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Lexi Nussbaum

As a collegiate athlete, I developed nutrition techniques that would allow me to stay nourished and perform at my very best. Those skills helped me post-college, but at that point, I was looking for additional accountability. As a recreational CrossFit athlete and full-time gym manager, I still had performance and physique goals so I hired a nutrition coach to provide support, accountability, and guidance. I developed a passion for nutrition coaching as I experienced, through my own coach, the freedom in flexible dieting. My hope is to help people become more educated about food and food choices as well as give them the guidance and support to make sustainable change forever! I am a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer as well as a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach. I love to be a cheerleader for my clients and educate them on forever methods of eating & training. That freedom is empowering!



Andrea Wagner

Growing up, I always felt “just average” about my physique. I was able to maintain my physique without paying close attention to nutrition and exercise. But as I got older, I put less emphasis on working out, adopted unhealthy eating habits, and gained nearly 40 pounds. I tried all the fad diets and was a classic yo-yo dieter with no success and a lot of frustration. After getting married in 2018 and being embarrassed by my wedding pictures, my husband and I decided to join CrossFit. I felt like I was getting stronger and in better shape, but I still wasn’t seeing the physical results I was hoping for. This led me to attending a “meal prep” clinic with Coach Lexi in which we learned about macronutrients, clean label foods, and meal prepping. I connected with the process immediately because it was the most sustainable “diet” I had ever tried. I felt like I was just making small changes over time that eventually turned into the big results I was looking for. My results unleashed a passion for fitness and nutrition that led me to earning my Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification, NASM personal trainer certification, and DLD Online Fitness and Nutrition Coaching certification. I have a burning desire to help others who might feel as confused, helpless, and lost as I was when I started my journey over 3 years ago. As rewarding as it has felt to achieve some of my own goals, it brings me so much excitement and joy to help others achieve their goal while learning sustainable habits and feeling freedom with food!

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Brianna Sinn, RDN, LDN

I first became interested in food and how it impacts our health while taking an anatomy class in high school. I found that I loved the combination of science and food, which inspired me to pursue a degree in dietetics. It fascinates me how food impacts our bodies and overall health! This has also made me more aware of my own food choices and creating a sustainable lifestyle. The more I learn and create change in my own life, the more I want to share and help others find peace with food while improving their health! There is a lot of confusing advice surrounding eating and dieting, and I am passionate about helping others through providing clarity and education around food and health. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics and have a special interest in women’s health as well as prenatal and postnatal nutrition. It brings me so much joy to help others build a sustainable lifestyle and find freedom in food!


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Michelle Moore

For my whole life I have struggled with being overweight and wanting to lose weight. I didn’t really know how to go about achieving fitness goals. I believed that I was one of my biggest problems. Long story short, it all started when walking the neighborhood became a hobby of mine. I was finally introduced to weight lifting and flexible dieting. Because of this, I ended up hiring my own coach for guidance and accountability. I started seeing results and that got me so excited! It led me wanting to help others achieve their goals as well! I now have my NASM personal trainer certification and DLD Online Fitness and Nutrition Coaching certification. I am passionate about introducing others to what a sustainable fitness lifestyle could look like and that achieving their fitness goals ARE possible!



Kayla Lindgren

From a young age I always loved caring for and encouraging those around me. This led me into a career in the medical field where I worked for several years. I am grateful for the time I spent in bedside care, but I was always curious about preventative health measures rather than just treating our bodies in the acute setting. My own chronic medical needs brought me to Power Pose to better manage my symptoms and create a sustainable lifestyle that would set me up for long term success. Now, as part of the Power Pose team, I have the privilege to walk alongside our clients and coaches and provide support in their journeys!